Combination Schools

No other educational facility type demands as much diverse design skill and thoughtful care as a combination school. Whether it is a K-12 school, a PK-8 school or a 6-12 school, combination schools serve students who have very different academic and social needs.
As a leader in combination school design, Fanning Howey works with clients to create buildings that meet the needs of all students. Our designs efficiently use shared spaces while maintaining the necessary separation of age groups.
Our architects, interior designers and engineers understand how to enhance student security while supporting multi-age learning. We help clients create buildings that provide unique experiences at each grade level and strategically locate transitional grades to support long-term flexibility.
Our combination school designs also celebrate and honor the multiple school communities that often come together in a single building.
Fanning Howey’s experience with combination school design includes K-12 schools, K-8 schools, 6-12 schools and multiple other grade level combinations.
Fanning Howey’s highly-collaborative design teams allow clients to accomplish the most complex projects imaginable. From $100 million campus renovations to new Zero Energy-ready campuses, we use our expertise to improve the lives of students, teachers and all life-long learners.