Elementary Schools
Finneytown Elementary School

Finneytown Local Schools embarked on a high-performance learning process to develop a comprehensive district-wide educational vision and educational specifications for new school facilities to house K-6 students.
The district’s instructional programs, delivery methods, integration of technology and future student needs were reviewed. With the onset of COVID, an alternative approach to school planning was developed by our team which allowed input from teachers, staff, students and administrators into the facility planning process. Fanning Howey worked with local partner emersion DESIGN to develop the design of this high performing learning environment.
Partner Firm: emersion DESIGN
Finneytown Local Schools
Cincinnati, OH
89,570 New SF
Create an elementary school with high performing learning environments
Use a virtual planning and design process to address the challenges of an ongoing pandemic
In addition to the emersionDesign / Fanning Howey team’s sustainability and wellness leadership, their experience navigating the ELPP process with OFCC proved to be invaluable. They quickly understood our needs and presented them in a way to OFCC that will place us in the best position to realize our long-term Master Plan goals and maximize our state co-funded dollars when we become a CFAP district.
Terri Noe, Former Superintendent