Master Planning

Warren Local Schools Pre-Bond

01Project Overview02Image Gallery03Services & Recognition04Related Projects
01 Project Overview
After six failed bond issues, Warren Local Schools decided to try something new. They partnered with Fanning Howey for Pre-Bond services for the first time in January 2017. And just five month later, the district was celebrating a community-supported project.

Warren Local Schools already had robust community engagement and a good master plan. But they needed support for their bond issue campaign. Fanning Howey provided voter analysis, graphic design and bond committee facilitation to help keep volunteers on track. On May 2, 2017, the new approach paid off with a successful bond issue that will result in a new high school, a new elementary school and additions and renovations to the middle school.


Warren Local Schools


Vincent, OH


Planning services


Create a community-supported master plan in a district that had failed six straight bond issues

Support the district's message with compelling bond campaign materials

03 Services & Recognition

Fanning Howey stands out as an expert in a very crowded field. The attention to detail is second to none. I have spent countless hours with their team, and they haven’t let me or my district down.

Kyle Newton, Superintendent
Warren Local Schools
Vincent, OH

Educational Visioning

Community Engagement

Building and Site Assessments

Master Planning

Locally-Funded Initiative Planning

Campaign Strategy

Voter Analysis

Campaign Communications