
New Carmel Natatorium Featured in Indy Star

By Zachary Sprunger

The new Carmel High School natatorium was featured in the Indianapolis Star. As the designers for the state-of-the-art facility, the Fanning Howey team loves hearing how the project is serving the Carmel swim community.

Some highlights from the article that we loved hearing:

  • Carmel athletic director Jim Inskeep praising design features that improve performance for Carmel’s swimmers and swim families.
  • Carmel High School senior and Olympic medalist Alex Shackell praising the intentionality of the design, saying “It’s like, every little thing they put a lot of thought into. You can tell.”
  • Carmel swim coach Chris Plumb sharing that his favorite design detail is the floor-to-ceiling windows that, during one practice, made the pool look like a Pinterest picture.

It’s comments like these that align with our goal of designing for smarter, happier learners, more successful educators and stronger communities.

Read the full Indy Star article to learn more.