Our breadth of integrated disciplines creates smarter design solutions.
Our architects have a depth of specialized knowledge in all aspects of smarter places for learning.
We are focused on creating spaces that are successful for both educators and for learners of all ages. We excel at determining the best approach, and we are unafraid of real-world constraints. Through design, master planning and visioning, we help our clients see opportunities others miss, and we create solutions with value for all users.
Fanning Howey’s interior design team has built a reputation for innovation.
We place an emphasis on creating spaces that foster collaboration, real world experiences and project-based learning. We know how to enhance each client’s brand while addressing the technical aspects of furniture, fixtures and equipment. Our designs reflect how our clients will occupy, furnish and use their buildings.
Our engineers use an integrated approach to address all aspects of smarter places for learning.
We provide in-house services for electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, technology design, fire protection design, plumbing design and energy management. We are intently focused on the quality and comfort of the learning environments we design, including lighting, power, technology, ventilation, energy efficiency and sustainability.

Through landscape architecture, we focus on making every part of a site a tool for teaching and learning.
We leverage the value in the design of soft and hardscapes to create attractive outdoor environments that serve both formal and informal educational uses. We also offer a depth of knowledge in athletic facilities, including sports fields, tracks and artificial turf surfaces. Through an integrated approach with our team members, we address sustainability issues and limit the environmental impact of learning environments.
A successful facilities master plan measures the future needs of the district, taking into account the current state of facilities and providing solutions to problems before they actually happen.
By taking a proactive approach, districts demonstrate proper stewardship of the community’s financial resources. A master planning process that is fully transparent shows that funds are being spent in a cost-effective way to meet the community’s educational needs. The most successful master plans are drafted with full input from the community. By engaging stakeholders in planning for the future, it serves as a unifying process that brings the community together and builds support for your vision.
Our construction administration team is made up of construction professionals who know how to get things done.
Our in-house construction administrators give our clients a constant advocate throughout the construction process. Our smarter approach to design includes construction administration input during the Construction Documents phase. This results in more accurate and coordinated documents that deliver more competitive pricing, fewer change orders and greater value for our clients.
For today’s schools, safety and security are of the highest priority. Watching the news can make it seem as though the modern school needs to be designed like a fortress or bunker, but the truth is that schools can be both safe and welcoming.
We employ the five precepts of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) in the design of new and renovated school facilities. By integrating these strategies with next generation learning principles, our thought leaders ensure you don’t have to make a choice between learning and safety. With two CPTED-certified staff members, Fanning Howey is able to advise on a wide range of school security issues.